Saturday, November 18, 2006


I didn't think that my cache's would be found so soon after hiding them! It only took two weeks for my Wadi Bih-Box to be found and again; its been only two weeks since hiding my "Snoopy Heights" cache and voila! Found! Well, I consider myself VERY lucky!
Okay-okay: Where's the catch...(?) Yes, I do know the person who found my cache, but as he mentioned in the Geocaching Log; we did not discuss the location of the cache at all! The man's got an obsession with Geocaching okay :D Only Kidding! Congratulations on your "FTF" CRA!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


So how strange is this? I went rock climbing with this husband-wife-team back in the days at Wadi Bih and as Murphy would have it, "Elvis", as he would like to call himself, found my Wadi-Bih-Box.
He took the BMW Toy car and replaced it with a Batman (lego) keyring. Great that he replaced the "B" with another "B"!
We're on the roll!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


There are 330326 active caches worldwide. In the last 7 days, there have been 180256 new logs written by 29937 account holders.